Cognos Planning 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 Server

When you start Cognos Planning Administrator you get a error message.
This is a new installation of Cognos Planning.

Error Messages:
An error has occurred while starting IBM Cognos Planning – Administrator
Main Form failed to initialize
Error Details:
ActiveX component can’t create object.

Unable to execute EAdminIU_10.frmMain.mnuLogonAs_Click
At line 0

There was a problem logging on. Please ensure you can access IBM Cognos Connection using the Gateway URI specified in IBM Cognos Configuration.

Possible Solutions:

Ensure that the URL to cognos connection are part of local intranet zone in Internet Explorer for the user that start cognos planning.

Change to use cognosisapi.dll instead of cognos.cgi in cognos configuration. IIS on the Windows 2008 R2 server is maybe setup to only allow ISAPI instead of CGI.

Ensure that the IBM Cognos Planning service is run by a windows domain account and not local system.

Apply the latest Cognos FixPack for Cognos Planning 10.1.1


Cognos Planning 10.1.1

Windows 2008 R2 server

Microsoft SQL 2008 R2


Can not load data into cognos planning application, where you use SQL alias to the datastore.

Error in PlanningErrorLog.csv file:

{DD2EF639-179C-4470-9F75-BF59A01CD86A}    6          2012-06-05 14:35:18.688 UTC +180       EAdminUI_10 10.1.3008.0     pgImportData             cmdLoad_Click            130      EAdminSQL7_10.SQL7.CheckOutputForErrors      -2147220469            Unable to Bulk Load the data.~~~~Error found in output.~~~~SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 53~~Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]. ~~SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 53~~Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.~~SQLState = S1T00, NativeError = 0~~Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Login timeout expired      CNS\CNSMANER            CNS\FIHECNS110AS            CNS\CNSMANER      CNS\FIHECNS110AS            4400    5056


Possible Solution:

If you are using SQL server alias to access the Microsoft SQL 2008 server, then you need to create the alias in both 32 bit and 64 bit drivers.

On the Cognos Planning server start SQL Server Configuration Manager

Expand SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration

Right Click on Aliases and select New Alias.

Enter a alias name  (e.g. cognosds)

Enter the port no, if you do not know port number enter the instance name in the server name field ( servername\instancename )

Enter the Server name, (e.g. name of the SQL server)

Click OK


Repeat above for SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration (32bit).

Cognos Planning 10.1.1

In Cognos connection you get error when viewing a Cognos planning application.

Error message:
CPS-PAG-4801 ………….
PRS-OBJ-0606 …………
PRS-BLK-0667 ………………..

In the properties to the HTML viewer the URL link to the application is specified with server name only and you need to specified it with FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name).

To change;
Click on edit icon to the right of the HTML page pane.
Below the bookmarks change the URL for the links.
From http://servername:80/ibmcognos/cgi-bin….

Click OK
Try again.

Cognos Planning 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 server

Error message when starting up Cognos Analyst or Cognos Planning Administration Console.

Error message:
An error has occured while starting IBM Cognos Planning – Administrator.

Main form failed to initialize.

Error Details:
Could not logon. Please ensure you can access Cognos Connection using the Gateway URI specified in Cognos Configuration.

Possible Solution:

Change to not use FQDN in Cognos Configuration, and use only server name in environment tab.
(above will work if you are on the Cognos Planning server itself)

Change from to http://servername:80/ibmcognos
in cognos configuration on all existing places.

or add the Cognos URL FQDN to your Internet Explorer local intranet zone.

select internet options
select security
select local intranet
click on sites
click on advanced
enter the web site e.g.
click add
click close
click OK
click OK

Close Internet Explorer and test again to login.


Cognos Planning 10.1.1

Windows 2008 R2 server


Error when starting the Cognos Planning Analyst on a 64 bit server.

Cognos Planning Analyst only works for the account that was used during installation.

Error Message:

A Fatal Error has occured in the startup section of the application.

The application will be terminated.


Please report the following information:

Function name: SystemIniGet

Namespace: #._US


RegOpenKeyA returned a nonzero error code

SystemIniGet[10]Hkey,,0 MyOpenKey Key



You need to update the current users registry with some values.


In notepad you need to create two text files with similar content as below:

—————–File 1—————————————————-

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





—————–File 2—————————————————–

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







































“Position”=”23 0”

“Size”=”840 1260”












Name the files with REG endings and then you can click on them to install the values.


At below site you have complete instructions on how to do it:


(Only edit the Windows registry if you know what you are doing.)

Cognos Controller 10.1.405
Windows 2008 R2 server

Consolidation in Cognos controller does not work after update.
If you look in the help – system info dialog inside Cognos controller client you see version number:

IBM Cognos Controller version: 10.1.405
Integration version: 0.0.0

When integration version is showing zeros, then some part of the Cognos Controller has not been installed correct.
Correct value for integration version should be: 10.1.416.

Possible Solution:
On the Cognos Controller Windows server:
Launch a command prompt by clicking “Start” – “Run” and then typing in “CMD”
Change directory using: cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64\common
Here is the file xceedzip, that maybe is not correct installed.
Register the file using: regsvr32.exe xceedzip.dll

Restart then the server.

Cognos Controller client version must be the same as the Cognos Controller version installed on the Application server.

More Information:

If you still have problems, remove the frangovfp com+ components and add them again.

Cognos Controller 10.1.405
Tm1 9.5.2
Windows 2008 R2 server

When doing a initial publish in Financial Analytics Publisher you get a error message that it can not login to the TM1 server cube.
This happen after you have upgrade Cognos Controller with a Fix Pack.

Error Message:
FAP Service Scheduler CRITICAL
Could not login to TM1, host: sr01639, server name: tm1fap, user name: AD\username

If you keep the mouse over the error message you will see this message:

When using Cognos Controller with Cognos BI CAM security to TM1 version 9.5.2 you need to use the correct c8itk4j.jar file.

Stop the Cognos FAP service.
Go to folder D:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\server\FAP\lib
Rename the file c8itk4j.jar to c8itk4j.jar.old
Copy the c8itk4j.jar file from folder D:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\server\FAP\lib\TM1_9.5_CAM_compatibility
You should now have c8itk4j.jar filesize to be 22 KB.
Start the Cognos FAP service.

Go the the datamarts tab in Financial Analytic s Publisher and click start to test again.

Cognos Controller 8.5.1532 FAP
Windows 2008
Cognos TM1 9.5.2

During IP for Controller FAP you get a error message that the FAP service can not login to the TM1 application. When you change client id and restart the FAP service, you get not error message, the FAP service is only hanging.
If you reboot the physical server, the FAP service will try to login once, and then fail.
There are no “fatalerror.log” in the FAP service folder on the server.

You have changed to use CAM ID and SSO to access Cognos Controller.
The servers and the users are in different Windows domains with trust between.

Error message:
Severity: CRITICAL
Description: Could not login to TM1, host: SERVERNAME, server name: TM1 SERVER NAME, user name: admin

If you hold the mouse over the error message in FAP manager, you see the text:

The windows account that run the IBM Cognos Controller FAP server must be a domain account in the same domain that the Cognos BI server authenticate against. You must be able to surf to http://servername/cognos8 from the server logged in as the service account, and SSO should work.

Create a new windows service account in the domain that contains the users
Make that new windows service account local admin on the FAP server
Change the windows account that start the FAP service, to use the new service account.

You may need to enter the account with domain\name in the field for name to the FAP service to make it possible for the FAP service to use the account.

Start FAP service again and test if the FAP publish works now.

In FAP Manager for the connection edit, ensure you enter the client name and domain in same capital letters as used for the namespace id in cognos configuration. If the namespace ID is AD then you need to enter AD\username in the FAP manager for the TM1 connection.


Cognos BI 10.1.1


How do I change the Logo in Cognos Connection to be my company ?


Download the company logo as a small GIF file.

In our example we call the company NIPPON, so save the gif file as NIPPON_logo.gif.

Go to your Cognos Gateway server, copy the folder \program files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\skins\corporate and content to folder \program files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\skins\NIPPON folder.


Place the NIPPON_logo.gif file in folder \program files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\skins\NIPPON\branding.


Surf to your Cognos Connection.

Launch Cognos Administration.

Select Configuration tab.

Click on Styles (on the left side).

Click on the New Style icon (on the top right side).

Enter NIPPON as name and click next.

Enter NIPPON as Style resources location and click Finish.


Now you have your company NIPPON in the list of styles.

Click on icon for My area options (on the top right side).

Select My Preferences

From the drop down menu at Styles select your company NIPPON.

Click OK.

Click on HOME icon.


You account in Cognos Connection are now using the new style NIPPON.

But it look the same as corporate – because we have not changed anything.


Go to your Cognos BI report server.

Go to folder c:\program files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\templates\ps\portal

Make a backup copy of the file system.xml, name it system_org.xml.

Open your system.xml file in notepad.

Search for param name=”OEM”


………………………Below from original system.xml…………………….


<!– Custom OEM headers –>
<param name=”OEM”>
Specify custom Cognos Connection / Cognos Viewer left side header here in the form of XHTML snippets. Custom headers can be style-specific.
<customHeader showContext=”true” contextDelimiter=” – “>
<style styleFolderName=”corporate”>
<table style=”background-color:#ffffff”>
<td><img src=”../skins/corporate/branding/my_logo.gif”/></td>
<td class=”headerTitle” style=”padding-right:2px;white-space:nowrap”> My company </td>
<style styleFolderName=”classic”>
<table style=”background-color:#cccccc”>
<td><img src=”../skins/classic/branding/my_logo.gif”/></td>
<td class=”headerTitle” style=”padding-right:2px;white-space:nowrap”> My company </td>




Change above text to below instead;

<!– Custom OEM headers –>
<param name=”OEM”>
<customHeader showContext=”true” contextDelimiter=” – “>
<style styleFolderName=”NIPPON”>

<table style=”background-color:#fffff”>


<td><img src=”../skins/NIPPON/branding/NIPPON_logo.gif”/></td>

<td class=”headerTitle” style=”padding-right:2px;white-space:nowrap”></td>









Save system.xml file in folder \program files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\templates\ps\portal\

Restart the IBM Cognos windows service on the Cognos BI report server.


Surf to Cognos Connection.

Go to my folders.

You should have the NIPPON logo in the top left corner.

Cognos BI 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2

When you go to the administration dialog in Cognos Connection you get a error message.

Error message:
The requested Server Group ” does not exist

Possible Cause:
One of the BI servers in the server group does not have all correct service set to true.
Check that the following IBM Cognos service are active:
Delivery service enabled
Event Management enabled
Presentation service enabled

Open cognos configuration on the Cognos BI server
Check the cognos service – component properties
Set all component properties to true.
Save the configuration
Start the service
Surf to cognos connection
Remove the server group name from the BI dispatchers