Cognos Controller 10.4.2
After a reboot of the TM1 server where the FAP service is running, the FAP does not connect to the TM1 services with error in D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\Server\FAP\error.log file.
DEBUG [fap.service.schedule.ConnectionsPoller] [pool-5-thread-2], Starting connection poller for datamart ‘FAP’ with a 3600000 ms timeout.
ERROR [fap.service.schedule.Scheduler] [pool-5-thread-2], Could not find the TM1 server [tm1:FAP]
Suggested solution:
Change the FAP service to have “Automatic (Delayed Start)” in the windows services.
The Tm1 instance must be started before the FAP service is started.
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