Microsoft Windows 2019
How do i add compare function to Notepad++?
Start Notepad++
Go to plugin menu and select Plugin Admin.
Enter Compare to search for the plug in. Mark Compare in the list and click on install icon.
Click Yes, and Notepad++ will restart after it have downloaded from internet the compare files and put them in folder C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\ComparePlugin
If the server does not have access to internet, copy above 3 files from a working installation, and add them to the plugins folder of your Notepad++ installation.
Then you can in Notepad++ use Plugins – Compare – Compare, to get a quick listing of the different rows between the two latest (on the right) open files.
If you use TM1, you can add support for TM1 syntax with download of a file , and unzip it and place the tm1.xml in folder C:\temp. Then from inside Notepad++ go to Languages – User Defined Language -Define your language.
In the dialog, click import, and select the above tm1.xml file. Then restart Notepad++.
You should now have a new selection TM1 at the bottom of the languages menu.
You can create yourself what words should highlight or be suggested in the User Defined Language dialog.
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