Fixed width of values

Planning Analytics 2.0.6
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

The vValue need to have 6 decimals in the output and the string vOrigincompany need to have fixed width of 6 characters.

In TM1 write TI code like this:

# format to fixed length of 6 decimals
nResult1 = SCAN ( ‘,’ , vValue ) ;
if (nResult1 = 0) ;
sResult1 = vValue | ‘,000000’ ;
# values with more than 6 decimal values is rounded up
vValue = numbertostring( ROUNDP( stringtonumber(vValue) , 6) ) ;
nResult1a = 6 – ( LONG (vValue) – nResult1) ;
sResult1 = FILL (‘0’, nResult1a) ;
sResult1 = vValue | sResult1 ;

# add spaces to name so we have a fixed width column
sResult2 = FILL(‘ ‘, 6 – LONG (vOriginCompany));
sResult2 = vOriginCompany | sResult2 ;

# There exist other ways to solve this, but this is a suggestion.

textoutput ( ‘c:\temp\filename.txt’ , sResult1 , sResult2 );

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