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TM1web version 9.5.1
Windows 2003 or 2008 x64 version

User attempts to export to PDF from TM1Web and receives an error.

Export in process, Please wait…
‘PDFcamp Printer’ was not installed properly

PDF camp Printer was not installed properly – it needs to be default printer for that windows account that runs the TM1 Excel Service.

Make sure that the PDFcamp Printer is set as default and then restart the TM1ExcelService, even if the printer was set as default.
If this does not resolve it, uninstall PDFCamp by using the 64-bit uninstaller executable at \bin\PDFcamp\unpdfxp64.exe
Then reinstall the PDFcamp Printer using the installer executable at \bin\PDFcamp\setupx64.exe.
Set the PDFcamp Printer as default and restart the TM1ExcelService again.