You get a blank page when you browse to CA11

Cognos Analytics 11.1.x
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When you enter url http://servername/ibmcognos then you do not get logged into Cognos Analytics, instead you get a blank screen.


Add a rule to allow Cognos Analytics pages to load without a trailing slash in URL. Start IIS Manager and go to IBMCOGNOS.

  1. Click the ibmcognos alias.
  2. Double-click URL Rewrite
  3. Click Add Rules > Inbound Rules > Blank Rule
    • Name is Add Trailing Slash
    • Pattern is ^bi$
    • Action type is Redirect
    • Redirect URL is {R:0}/
    • Check Append query string.
    • Redirect type is Permanent (301)
    • Click Apply and Back to Rules.


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