How To Read Cogserver.log Easier With IPF Log Viewer

The cogserver.log file is a good source of information when troubleshooting. But default the cogserver.log file is a 10 MB file (set in Cognos Configuration Manager) in xml format and hard to read. 3048 2009-06-04 09:16:53.218 +1     stopper-logService LOGSV 2015 1 server.Audit.IPF StopService LogService  Success  <parameters><item name=”Port”><![CDATA[9362]]></item><item name=”Mode”><![CDATA[TCP]]></item><item name=”Secure”><![CDATA[FALSE]]></item></parameters> 1880 2009-06-05 10:07:53.187 +1     main LOGSV 2015 1 server.Audit.IPF StartService LogService  FAILED Log Server Database error <parameters><item name=”DB URL”><![CDATA[jdbc:JSQLConnect://localhost:1433/Audit]]></item><item name=”DB Error”><![CDATA[Failed Logon:com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLException: TCP/IP connection failed to host:localhost Connection refused: connect url:jdbc:JSQLConnect://localhost:1433/Audit]]></item></parameters> 1880 2009-06-05 10:07:53.234 +1     main LOGSV 2015 1 server.Audit.IPF StartService LogService  Success  <parameters><item name=”Port”><![CDATA[9362]]></item><item name=”Mode”><![CDATA[TCP]]></item><item name=”Secure”><![CDATA[FALSE]]></item></parameters>

Since Cognos 8.1 there is a handy tool called LogviewV2.exe and can be found in the c8\bin directory. Start LogviewV2.exe and load the cogserver.log file. Now all the messages and errors are formatted, can be read much better.